A dog wearing a blue DOGPAK K9 backpack playing in the snow
Hound dog running through the snow wearing an ultralight, blue DOGPAK dog backpack
Regal looking hound dog wearing dogpak day pack on cobblestone street


Who is DOGPAK?

We are a family-owned outdoor K9 gear and content company inspired by the nostalgia of my own personal travels around the globe with my pup Thunder. 

After hiking for 13 years to 45 States and 30 countries with my service dog, Thunder, I realized that my most endearing memories with my pup came from those unforgettable adventures we shared together—the kinds of journeys that don't always seem fun in the moment but have a tendency to shine in retrospect—the kinds of memories built from a questionable unfolding of comedy and mishap, moonlit nights and misty mornings, missed switchbacks and rain soaked shoes.

We are purveyors of type II fun, full-belly laughs on empty stomachs after long days and many miles. DOGPAK was inspired by the same kinds of adventures that inspire you and your pup. 

Our mission is to help other people develop that same special bond with their pups by making it easier to get outdoors together. We are excited to be presenting our first product: the Moab Lite daypack

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